Working Capital Loans
When Timing Truly Matters
Many small business owners understand the importance of acquiring funds when they are needed most. Small business loans are a good option for certain businesses, but a Working Capital Loan may be a better option for other businesses. The experts at Flourish Commercial Capital provide numerous ways for small businesses to acquire cash promptly without making unwise business decisions.
Unlike a small business loan, a Working Capital Loan is given to qualified merchants that have a demonstrated history of credit card sales. A small portion of funds from future credit card sales are taken instead of a monthly payment after the business receives funds upfront.
Flourish Commercial Capital can provide your business with up to $200,000 per location, typically within seven days or less. In addition, you will not lose any equity in your business or have to worry about fixed payments. We understand that running out of cash is simply not an option for small business owners, and we are here to find the individualized solutions you need to make your business successful.
For Unexpected and Substantial Expenses
Flourish Commercial Capital will provide necessary funds promptly in order to keep your business viable and running. The right cash advance has helped many small businesses stay in business despite unforeseen financial difficulties, and the experts at Flourish Commercial Capital can help your business thrive.
Benefits Include:
No Application Fee
No Closing Costs
No Fixed Payments
No Equity Loss
Easy Payback