Unsecured Bank Loan Program for Your 7-11 Franchise
The 7-11 Franchise system is considered ineligible for SBA loans because the franchisees are in business with 7-11. 7-11 owns the real estate and controls the payment system so the SBA doesn’t consider this to be a true franchise. Because 7-11 franchisees cannot apply for SBA or other bank loans, 7-11 created a treasury system that will lend current and prospective franchisees up to 65% of the franchise cost, based on credit, income, debt, and the financials of the store they are purchasing. Many franchisees need funding beyond the 65% funding 7-11 will offer some franchisees, as well as some needing the full amount.
Flourish Commercial Capital reached out to the 7-11 sales team after meeting some 7-11 representatives at a franchise show. Flourish Commercial Capital was able to introduce the Unsecured Bank Loan program to 7-11 franchisees and sales representatives. Since 2014, Flourish Commercial Capital has assisted more than 200 7-11 franchisees with obtaining the funds needed to obtain their stores. We have helped franchisee obtain the opening day fee of $36,000 up to obtaining the total funding for their franchise location, up to $400,000 using the Unsecured Bank Loan program.